About the Agribusiness Dealroom
Strategic objectives
Investment mobilization
Sourcing in Africa
Ecosystem coordination
Enabling environment
What to expect at the Dealroom:
SME Matchmaking
Country Presentations
Sourcing in Africa
Knowledge Program
Enabling Environment and Investment Dialogues
Coalition of the willing
Outcome of the Agribusiness Dealroom in 2020:
The 2020 Agribusiness Dealroom presented the largest convening in its three-year history, attracting more than 3,600 delegates from 91 countries around the world. Participants represented more than 700 SMEs, 31 governments and over 312 capital providers. Capital providers included institutional investors, impact investors, venture funds, development finance institutions and conventional financial institutions. The Dealroom also saw a strong representation of anchor buyers and business developmental partners seeking trade deals and service agreements with SMEs.

For more information about the Agribusiness Dealroom, download the report below:
Are you interested? Click below for more details.
Registration to the Agribusiness Dealroom is free.
If you are interested in investment, investment opportunities and partnerships, click below. For any questions / clarifications about the platform, e-mail dealroom@agra.org.
Agribusiness Dealroom Secretariat – To reach out to us contact Mumbi Maina at the AGRA Agribusiness Dealroom Secretariat – mmumbi@agra.org.
For more opportunities visit VALUE4HER and Generation Africa