Fily Keita
Founder, Agrowomen
Age 28, Female, Malian
Fily is the Founder and CEO of Agrowomen. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in English from the University of Bamako and she received training on Business and Entrepreneurship related to Agriculture during the Mandela Washington Fellowship 2018 at Oklahoma State University, USA. She is an alumni of Tony Elumelu Foundation Alumni 2019. As a Mandela Washington Fellow 2018 and the CEO of Agrowomen, she attended the LanteOCT African Investor Week Exhibition in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Number of full-time employees.
Estimated other jobs created:
2 Employees
Jobs created: 3
Contact Info
You can also reach out to:
Amanda Namayi, the GoGettaz Africa Lead.
Email address: anamayi@agra.org

Watch Fily Keita's Pitch Video for the GoGettaz Agripreneur Prize in 2021
Fily Keita beat thousands of contestants to be in the top 14.
About Agrowomen
Agrowomen, local cereals and oilseeds processing start-up contributing to food security and women economic empowerment through value addition. We process sesame seeds, make sesame snacks, oil, and sell the rice malodouma (tasteful rice). We usee-commerce to sell our products. We work with women farmers cooperatives and we connect them to national and international buyers. We sell our products through supermarkets, food stores, social media and our website. Despite the fact that Maliis the 4th in sesame production and 2nd inproduction growth in west africa, sesameseeds are neglected in mali.95 percent of malian sesame are exported outside, only 5 percent are consumed inside the country. There is a great need for local cereals and oilseeds processing. There is also a great need to promote the local rice chain. There is a huge consumption rate of imported rice in mali. More than 70 percent of women are active in the agriculture sector in mali. Women farmers profit less from their productions. Less than 5 percent of women own land in rural areas. Agrowomen process local cereals and oilseeds. They also contribute to food security and women economic empowerment. Our uniqueness is that we work on natural and local cereals and oilseeds, use ecological packagings, e-commerce to sell our products and buy raw materials seeds from women farmers cooperatives and connect them to buyers. We are not a mere business. We are a business with a social mission which are women economic empowerment and
food security.