Nyangorora Banana Processors


Nyangorora Banana Processors works in collaboration with rural banana farmers along the banana value chain. The company has also collaborated with other development partners to make the value chain a success. This includes establishment of collection centres, cold storage facilities, etc.

Market Opportunity/ Problem

Kenya has two peak seasons for banana production. During the peak seasons, farm-gate prices fluctuate from as low as US$3 per bunch weighing approximately 20-22 kg. The same bunch can, however, be sold for US$8-10 in Nairobi. The sale of green and ripe bananas in the city introduce a lot of garbage. Furthermore, there are high post-harvest losses during the peak seasons due to the high perishability of the commodity, poor post-harvest handling and poor road networks, which limit timely market access.

Company Information

Years of operation


Type of organization

Private Company

Stage of the business

Growth stage

Agribusiness focus

Value addition/processing

Agriculture value chain(s) focus?

Food Crops

Primary country of operation


Other country(ies) of operation


How many employees does your business have?


Does the business have more than 30% women ownership?


Does the business have more than 30% youth ownership (under 35 years)?


Financing and expansion overview

How much capital is the company currently fundraising (US$)?

Below $250k

What is the split between equity and debt?

100% debt
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How to engage

Please reach out to us on dealroom@agra.org for any queries or support. The SMEs can be reached directly through the unique link found on their company profile page.