A company limited by shares, focusing on prodcution, value addition and marketing of horticultural produce in the local (Tanzania) and export market (EU and India). GBRI works with small holder farmers where by the company capacitate them to be a ble to grow vegetables and fruits meeting market standards and buys from them.
Market Opportunity/ Problem
The company addresses a number of challenges including 1. Small holder farmers access to sustainable and profitable market for produce 2. Post-harvest losses which accounts for 40% horticulture cutting farmers margins, on this GBRI has invested in cold chain infrastructures (collection trucks and cold-rooms) and 3. Produce quality, GBRI sign contacts with farmers and farmers groups, offers them Good Agronomic Practices trainings and extension services to ensure produce quality. GBRI intends to increase its investment and engage more farmers in addressing above mentioned challenges. Currently the company supplies only 20% of it’s existing produce market demand.
Company Information
Years of operation
Type of organization
Private Company
Stage of the business
Growth stage
Agribusiness focus
Production, value addition, marketing and distribution.
Agriculture value chain(s) focus?
Primary country of operation
Other country(ies) of operation
How many employees does your business have?
Does the business have more than 30% women ownership?
Does the business have more than 30% youth ownership (under 35 years)?
Financing and expansion overview
How much capital is the company currently fundraising (US$)?
What is the split between equity and debt?
1500,000 USD, Debt and 1000,000 USD equity