Famunera is an Agritech Company that sources genuine quality affordable farm inputs from certified manufacturers, provides convenient last-mile delivery, and e-extension as well as market linkages for smallholder farmers in Uganda.
Market Opportunity/ Problem
Smallholder farmers are tend to be exploited through fake quality expensive farm inputs from uncertified rural dealers, delayed last-mile delivery, unreliable extension service and unreliable market linkages in Uganda. Famunera sources genuine quality affordable farm inputs from certified manufacturers, provides convenient last-mile delivery, and e-extension as well as reliable market linkages for SHFs in Uganda
Company Information
Years of operation
Type of organization
Private company
Stage of the business
Early stage/ Startup
Agribusiness focus
Enabling (Digital agriculture/aggregation platforms)
Agriculture value chain(s) focus?
Food crops
Primary country of operation
Other country(ies) of operation
How many employees does your business have?
Does the business have more than 30% women ownership?
Does the business have more than 30% youth ownership (under 35 years)?
Financing and expansion overview
How much capital is the company currently fundraising (US$)?
Above $1m
What is the split between equity and debt?
Equity 20% and Debt 80%