ECO for Environmental Services
ECO is a multi-sector company and has proven itself as a modern agriculture service provider applying pioneering technologies and relying on talented and trained personnel in agriculture schemes and livestock breeding sectors in Sudan.
Market Opportunity/ Problem
Sudan is lagging behind in agricultural crops production, the production and yield rates are very low in comparison to developed countries therefore further initiatives in agriculture and irrigation technologies need to be practiced so as to optimize production and to enhance the livestock fodder as a add value. Mechanized and Contemporary Irrigation trials in agriculture schemes and traditional farms will create jobs for vulnerable people, improve their way of life and will sustain the production of crops, vegetables, fruits, fodder and other by-products such as edible oils, cakes & roughages. ECO believes that applying modern agriculture technologies and practices in an ethical and environmental friendly manner, could make a huge impact in agricultural production and enhance the livelihoods of farmers and livestock owners.
Company Information
Years of operation
Type of organization
Private company
Stage of the business
Growth stage
Agribusiness focus
Agriculture value chain(s) focus?
Cash Crops
Primary country of operation
Other country(ies) of operation
How many employees does your business have?
Does the business have more than 30% women ownership?
Does the business have more than 30% youth ownership (under 35 years)?
Financing and expansion overview
How much capital is the company currently fundraising (US$)?
Above $1m
What is the split between equity and debt?
Equity: 50% and Debt: 50% a