Cameroon Banana Association (ASSOBACAM)
ASSOBACAM implements and monitors all operations likely to promote the export and competitiveness of bananas from Cameroon. Its activities include representing and defending the interests of banana sector stakeholders in Cameroon with third parties and national or foreign public authorities, seeking funding and development aid from national, foreign, or international organizations, and compiling statistical export information.
Market Opportunity/ Problem
The company is facing strong competition in the European market. To address this challenge, the company is in the process of improving the quality of its products to compete with Latin America and is in talks with the European Union to freeze the application customs taxes for banana imports from Cameroon
Company Information
Years of operation
Type of organization
Stage of the business
Agribusiness focus
Primary production
Agriculture value chain(s) focus?
Food crops
Primary country of operation
Other country(ies) of operation
How many employees does your business have?
Does the business have more than 30% women ownership?
Does the business have more than 30% youth ownership (under 35 years)?
Financing and expansion overview
How much capital is the company currently fundraising (US$)?
> 1m
What is the split between equity and debt?
30% equity 70% debt