
Agriferme is a family-owned Guinean poultry company created in 2008. The firm currently has a capacity of 40,000 laying hens spread over three buildings outside of Conakry

Market Opportunity/ Problem

While traditional poultry farming in Guinea involves more than 100,000 rural households, local players have not benefitted from the growing consumption of eggs and poultry meat. This is in part due to a sharp increase in imports from European countries. Agriferme offers quality, affordable local products. The company’s eggs are easily accessible from dedicated outlets. Agriferme as well resells laying hens for direct consumption.

Company Information

Years of operation


Type of organization

Private company

Stage of the business

Growth stage

Agribusiness focus

Primary production

Agriculture value chain(s) focus?


Primary country of operation


Other country(ies) of operation


How many employees does your business have?


Does the business have more than 30% women ownership?


Does the business have more than 30% youth ownership (under 35 years)?


Financing and expansion overview

How much capital is the company currently fundraising (US$)?


What is the split between equity and debt?

100% debt
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How to engage

Please reach out to us on for any queries or support. The SMEs can be reached directly through the unique link found on their company profile page.