Malawi Agricultural and Industrial Investment Corporation (MAIIC)

How to reach us:


MAIIC is a national development finance institution (DFI) that supports high impact economic development in Malawi. MAIIC aims to fill the long-term financing gap in the country by crowding-in investment from domestic and international financial institutions and investors. It specializes in project preparation and project financing. It also funds SMEs on concessionary terms.

Capital Provider Overview

Region/Countries of focus

Malawi (and cross-border transactions)
Sector & Ag. value chains focus
All value chains
Investment criteria

Names of select current/previous portfolio companies in the ag. space


Type of instruments

Debt, equity, quasi equity or convertible debt, partial credit guarantees and lines of credit or wholesale lending

Ticket size range

USD 25K to USD 3M
Preferred currency of investment
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How to engage

Please reach out to us on for any queries or support. The SMEs can be reached directly through the unique link found on their company profile page.